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December of Dreams for Kids of Nicaragua
Basic Information
Address: 3130 NW 18 St
Miami, Florida 33125
Phone Number: 786 426 9323
Email: christianjarquin@yahoo.com
Director: Christian Jarquin
Additional Information
Causes Served: Nicaragua children, mentor, travel volunteer, leadership building, team building
Population Served: nicaraguan children, students from Miami, florida
Ages for Volunteer: 16 and up
Hours of Service: Sat and Sund
Minimum Hours Required: 5
Days of Service: Monday -Sunday
Mission Statement:
December of Dreams for Kids of Nicaragua is a nonprofit organization that mentors the community to help children in Nicaragua receive toys and school supplies. December of Dreams is recognized by Channel 51, Al Rojo vivo Telemundo as a charity that has helped over 9000 Nicaraguan children since its inception in December 2005. December of Dreams carries a range of leadership building training and allows participants to travel to Nicaragua to help hand deliver toys and school supplies to the poorest of children.
December of Dreams volunteers have included teachers, college students, doctors, lawyers and members of the community. Travel with us this December and not only will you hand deliver supplies to children but you will make lifelong friends. December of Dreams for Kids of Nicaragua inspire progress and bring joy to all.
View our Telemundo footage: http://msnlatino.telemundo.com/shows/Al_Rojo_Vivo/video_player?uuid=6622...
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
To inspire and help children, students and the community reach their full potential.
Program History:
December of Dreams began as a child’s dream to help the kids left behind in poverty. It grew out of gratitude for that entire God has given me but it was not always this way. My single mother of seven children was very poor unable to sometimes feed her first six children. With hard work she began a business and purchased a house and then another. When the civil war began my mother realized her children's life was in danger so we fled to the United States via emigrating through Central America. I can relate to the children who have nothing because I lived it while emigrating through Guatemala. When in Nicaragua I played with expensive toys while in Guatemala I played with sticks and stones. After I crossed the Rio Grande I looked up at the Coyote and he said "This is America the land of where dreams come true. In that moment, when I was five years old, I said I will go back and help the poor children of Nicaragua and the places I passed through (Central America and Mexico). When I was graduating college in 2005, I asked 12 friends to go with me to Nicaragua and hand deliver toys and school supplies. We ended up helping 1,350 children and named the project December of Dreams for Kids of Nicaragua.
ExpoNica Nov 11,12,13
GALA: Planning Stage TBA August 2011 (Volunteers Needed)
Additional Information:
Service oriented students, alumni and the community are welcome to volunteer and be molded into leaders to serve children of Nicaragua.