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Episcopal Charities Action Networks

Basic Information
Address: 1055 Taylor Street
San Francisco, CA 94108
Phone Number: 415-869-7813
Fax Number: 415-673-5186
Email: info@episcopalcharities.org
Director: Janice Parkin
Additional Information
Causes Served: Education, Healthcare, and Environment
Population Served: Poor, oppressed and endangered individuals in need in the San Francisco Bay Area
Ages for Volunteer: All Ages
Mission Statement:
Episcopal Charities supports new and existing nonprofit agencies in their effort to make a crucial difference in the lives of poor, oppressed and endangered individuals in need in the San Francisco Bay Area, regardless of their religious affiliation or practice.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
We operate Action Networks in healthcare, education, and environment, drawing people who are interested in working together to address the root causes of poverty. Action Network members give hands-on support to projects that they identify, and we award grants to the qualified agencies and initiatives that run those programs.
Program History:
In a sense, Episcopal Charities is as old as the Episcopal Church in California (over 150 years) because outreach to the poor, the oppressed and the endangered has always been a principal concern of the Episcopal community. Around 1977 Episcopal Charities was identified as a separate division within the Episcopal diocese. In 1999, Episcopal Charities was established as a separate legal entity, a California non-profit corporation qualifying as a 501(c)3 charitable organization under Internal Revenue Service regulations.
Additional Information:
An Action Network is a group of volunteers who come together to address the root causes of poverty through a common focus area. Each Action Network will focus on the most critical issues related to its area; for example, the Healthcare Action Network will address the lack of access to healthcare in the five-county San Francisco Bay Area. Each Network will give hands-on support to projects that they identify, and EC will award grants to the qualified agencies and initiatives that run those projects.
Be sure to check out the photos from our project partners.