
GetNvolved Logo

Basic Information

Address: 2911 Sandy Ridge Drive, Two Rivers, WI 54241
Phone Number: 920-257-9486
Director: Paul Vidas, MS-E

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

Causes Served: Service-Learning, Community Service, Volunteers, Work-Based Learning (WBL)
Population Served: Secondary and Higher Ed. Students, Teachers & Community Members
Ages for Volunteer: 13-25
Hours of Service: N/A
Minimum Hours Required: N/A
Days of Service: N/A
Mission Statement:

To connect youth to community life through volunteer service and work experiences

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

All young people need valuable roles in our communities on a day to day basis. Community service and work experiences combined with classroom activities are especially effective in providing these opportunities while enhancing academic outcomes.

Program History:

GetNvolved, a service of Nvolved, Inc., has been used by nonprofits and schools in Wisconsin since 2007. Hundreds of thousands of hours have already been approved using this highly automated program.



Additional Information:

GetNvolved® is a fee-based program that promotes volunteerism and work-based learning.  It is shared by students, teachers, and people working with youth.  This application simplifies recruitment and record keeping and eliminates duplication of efforts.  It increases the impact of volunteer service and work-based learning as it encourages reflection and recognition, and connects students to information about Career Clusters and Pathways.

Thousands of school districts are adding community service and work-based learning. Why? Studies show community service and work experiences have positive impacts on academic performance and civic engagement. But very little infrastructure exists to support this effort. GetNvolved® is designed to overcome the obstacles so every community can become a GetNvolved® community.

 GetNvolved® allows people in various segments of the community to communicate in a new way by automating many of the tasks associated with managing student volunteers and workers. Students become connected to adults in the community and everyone sees more clearly how youth contribute to everyday life.