Girl Power 2 Cure Inc.

Girl Power 2 Cure Inc. Logo

Basic Information

Phone Number: 260-868-4802
Director: Kell Butler

Action Shots

Girl Power 2 Cure Inc.
Girl Power 2 Cure Inc.
Girl Power 2 Cure Inc.

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Causes Served: Autism, Rett Syndrome
Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Girl Power 2 Cure, Inc is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness and funds for treatments and a cure for Rett Syndrome. We are all about harnessing the spirit of girls as volunteers, as mentors, and as a power of positive change in their communities in support of their fellow girlfriends who are suffering from Rett Syndrome.


Dress Up 2 Cure takes place April 1st in schools nationwide to kick off Autism Awareness month. If this date happens to fall during your spring break we can arrange another date, no problem!

Additional Information:

Students pay $1.00 or bring in spare change - whatever your school decides- and they are able to Dress Up silly for school on April 1st!