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Katrina's Angels
Basic Information
Address: 10535 Bergtold Road
Clarence, NY 14031
Fax Number: 262-279-0452
Director: Karen Iwicki
Additional Information
Causes Served: Assisting victims and communities affected by natural disasters
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: United States of America
Ages for Volunteer: N/A
Hours of Service: 24/7
Minimum Hours Required: As needed basis
Days of Service: As many as we can get from you
Mission Statement:
Katrina's Angels exists to support communities affected by disasters by offering solutions to unmet needs and enhancing the recovery process through resource pooling and information sharing.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
Katrina's Angels will:
* Provide structure and coordination of efforts to those on the ground following first response team efforts.
* Provide communication tools through its web sites, KatrinasAngels.org and the Angels in Action Forum, where Katrina's Angels maintains publicly available, state sorted, resource library.
* Partner with service and resource organizations to foster cooperation and resource coordination. We will always strive to reduce duplication of effort, and to enhance efficiency through resource management and feedback.
* Maintain highly ethical practices and procedures for its volunteers and partner organizations.
Program History:
Additional Information:
Katrina's Angels is a national volunteer effort that is driven by the generosity of people wanting to make a difference for those communities affected by federally and state-declared disasters. We are committed to providing coordinated solutions to rebuild the lives of those in communities affected by disaster through our volunteers and our partners. Katrina's Angels is incorporated in the State of New York and is registered as a Public Charity 501(c)3. EIN 13-4364286. We need angels willing to lend a hand as well as people willing to coordinate our angels.
What We Do
Katrina's Angels is committed to empowering volunteers and organizations nationwide to work together to support those people affected by federally and state-declared disasters. Our volunteers are provided with tools and structures to aid people affected by federally and state-declared disasters, connecting them to the resources in our growing network. What we provide our partner organizations is access to complementary resources and the volunteers who can provide accountability for such services or resources. Katrina's Angels acts as second responders, looking for those "pockets of need" and working through various community projects and using supply drives and various fund raisers to accomplish what we can for what is needed when necessary. Katrina's Angels also maintains a state-sorted resource library for public use at:
Who We Serve
Our services are available for individuals who are displaced because of a hurricane or natural disaster and are registered with FEMA. Our volunteers and partners work directly with agencies and community groups around the nation to provide "customer service" and solutions for evacuees. If you work with groups of evacuees, please contact us so we can work with you to find new options for the people you serve.