King Conservation District

King Conservation District Logo

Basic Information

Address: 1107 SW Grady Way Suite 130 Renton, WA 98057
Phone Number: 425-282-1908
Fax Number: 425-282-1898

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Causes Served: Environmental Restoration
Clearances Required: No
Background Check: No
Population Served: King County
Hours of Service: 4 hrs
Days of Service: Fridays and Saturdays
Mission Statement:

Promoting sustainable uses of natural resources through responsible stewardship.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

KCD assists landowners with natural resource issues on their properties and how to best managae those resources. We promote conservation through demonstration projects, educational events, providing technical assistance and, in some cases, providing or pointing the way to funds which may be available for projects. The KCD has no regulatory or enforcement authority. We only work with those who choose to work with us.

Program History:

Since 1949, the KCD has been helping the people of King County manage their natural resources. We educate landowners, schools, scientists, consultants and agencies in how to recognize problem situations and how to avoid creating them. We also provide technical assistance in solving their problems.


There are two different types of events that we offer through our volunteer program. The first type of event is work at our native planter nursery.Native plants grown from locally collected seed are the corner stone of conservation and ecological restoration.  Learn about growing native plants for stream and wetland restoration projects while helping to perform critical nursery tasks.  Activities include starting plants from seed, divisions, and transplants, or help maintain nursery stock by watering and weeding.
The other events that we hold are on our restoration projects. The KCD stream and wetland restoration program has many successful restoration projects that require native plant installation and ongoing maintenance. Sample a variety of restoration projects while replanting and removing invasive species. Projects are great for groups, contact our volunteer coordinator to schedule your group for a date and location that works for you.