Leavenworth Youth Achievement Center, Inc.

Basic Information

Address: 314 Delaware Street Leavenworth, Kansas 66048
Phone Number: 913-682-8222
Fax Number: 913-682-7672
Director: Deborah Gregor

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Causes Served: youth support
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: school age youth
Ages for Volunteer: 16 years and older
Hours of Service: program hours as scheduled
Minimum Hours Required: 1
Days of Service: programs meet through out the week
Mission Statement:

To provide a facility where the community can provide programs and activites for school age youth . The primary target population will be youth living in lower income families.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

All youth deserve a safe place to gather under adult supervision .

Program History:

The Leavenworth Youth Achievement Center was formed in 1999 to provide a facility where community organizations and groups could come togehter to provide programs for school age youth.


Menoring programs, after school and summer camp activities, work ready training, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouots, girls metoring, arts and craft programs and family events. The YAC is always growing and changing.