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March of Dimes
Basic Information
Address: 2733 Sheraton Drive
Building F, Suite 130
Macon, GA 31204
Phone Number: 478-743-9165
Fax Number: 478-743-2820
Email: jsimmons@marchofdimes.com
Director: Jennifer Simmons
Additional Information
Causes Served: March of Dimes Fund Research to understand the problem and discover answers. Help Moms have full-term pregnancies and healthy babies. Support Families comforting them when their baby needs help to survive and thrive.
Population Served: Bibb & Houston County
Ages for Volunteer: 73% are ages 18-45
Days of Service: Houston County Walk day 9/25/2010
Mission Statement:
The mission of the March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, pemature birth, and infant mortality.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
#2 recognized majotr health charity by women
#1 recognized major health charity by moms
96% of population knows March of Dimes
96% of women know March of Dimes
98% of moms know March of Dimes
91% overall positive impression
One of America's oldest (1938) best-loved and most respected charities
Program History:
March for Babies is one of the nation's oldest and best loved walk events.Over $100M raised in 2010. Over 2B raised since event began in 1970. 900 events nation-wide. Over 7M participants, sponosors, donors and supporters.
Houston County March for Babies
Houston County High School
920 GA Highway 96 Warner Robins, GA 31088
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Registration Time: 8:00am
Start Time: 9:30am
register today at www.marchforbabies.org
Additional Information:
2010 Houston County Ambassador
Danica was born at 37 weeks weighing 5lbs 8oz at Houston Healthcare. At the time of her birth she was not breathing. Shortly after the chest x-ray
revealed no diaphragm on her right side. This defect allowed multiple organs to invade her lung cavity, thus not allowing her right lung to develop
properly during pregnancy. After 4 months in the NICU Danica went home, and almost 1 ½ years later all of her surgeries and sutures are still holding