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Martinez Opera

Basic Information
Address: 1211 Grandview Ave
Martinez, Ca 94553
Phone Number: 925 372-6617
Fax Number: 925 293-0258
Email: mtzopera@gmail.com
Director: Maria Billingsley
Additional Information
Causes Served: Non-profit theatre
Population Served: underserved
Ages for Volunteer: 15 and up
Hours of Service: flexible
Minimum Hours Required: flexible
Days of Service: flexible
Mission Statement:
The mission of the opera company is to establish a center where children, teens and adults can experience and be part of a classical arts organization dedicated to education and appreciation of the fine art of Opera and classical music. Martinez Opera Contra Costa is dedicated to providing the community with numerous programs that engage all socioeconomic levels, age groups, and ethnicities. Martinez Opera Contra Costa is committed to the realization of the Contra Costa County Cultural Plan, prepared by the Arts and Culture commission of Contra Costa County, which emphasizes the importance of arts education, outreach, advocacy and communication.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
Outreach for opera education is vital.
Program History:
Our accomplishments have been extraordinary in all divisions of the opera company. For over seven years, our productions and community outreach programs have cultivated a diverse and appreciative opera audience for the next generation. The Martinez Opera Company was originally founded in 1889 by Professor Walter Bartlett of Boston, the first opera company in California. At that time Martinez was the cultural center of Contra Costa County. After lying dormant for fifty years, it was reinstated as a non-profit organization in 2002. The scope of the opera company’s vision includes: 1) Professional opera productions; 2) education of youth in and out of school; 3) outreach into the community; 4) strong leadership by artists; and 5) support by dedicated volunteers.
Mulitiple throught the year
Additional Information:
Our accomplishments have been extraordinary in all divisions of the opera company. For over seven years, our productions and community outreach programs have cultivated a diverse and appreciative opera audience for the next generation. The Martinez Opera Company was originally founded in 1889 by Professor Walter Bartlett of Boston, the first opera company in California. At that time Martinez was the cultural center of Contra Costa County. After lying dormant for fifty years, it was reinstated as a non-profit organization in 2002. The scope of the opera company’s vision includes: 1) Professional opera productions; 2) education of youth in and out of school; 3) outreach into the community; 4) strong leadership by artists; and 5) support by dedicated volunteers. Though our vision these are realized by six distinctive divisions within the opera company.
Operatic productions with orchestra: Performance of “Lucia di Lammermoor in the city of Martinez. Scheduled for May 2010.
Non-Traditional outreach concert presentations: Martinez Opera Contra Costa performs in various venues for groups and organizations in the city of Martinez and beyond. These performances are free of charge and are part of an effort to bring a larger audience to opera through non traditional venues. Scheduled for 2009 is “Art in the Park”, “Italian Street Painting Festival”, “Opera Rhapsody”, “Swan Day” and “First Night Martinez”. Scheduled for various dates in 2010.
Singers for Seniors: In 2004, Martinez Opera partnered with LITA (Love is the Answer), a non profit organization committed to senior entertainment in homes for the elderly in Contra Costa County.
Scheduled for December 2009.
Early childhood music education "Sing me a Story": Martinez Opera presents short musical programs to children under the age of five at various venues located in the city of Martinez. Scheduled for October 2010.
Arts in Education: Martinez Opera presents one hour programs to K-12 children. These performances are presented in school auditoriums, after school city sponsored community programs, libraries, and churches. Music!Words!Opera! in collaboration with Opera America, infuses opera in the core curriculum of k-3 students in the Martinez Unified School District. In the senior level, Opera Night is presented free of charge
Scheduled for June 2010.
Pro- Production:" Professionals Reaching Out”: This program is in partnership with the Briones-Vicente Alternative High School and the Alhambra Senior High School located in the city of Martinez. This program offers all youth and especially "at risk youth" the opportunity to work with design professionals as mentors on sets, costumes, and props for the current productions. Scheduled for February 2010.