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Maumee Valley Habitat for Humanity

Basic Information
Address: 223 South Fearing Blvd., Toledo, OH 43609
Phone Number: 419-382-1964
Fax Number: 419-382-4397
Email: info@mvhabitat.org
Director: Mike McIntyre
Additional Information
Causes Served: Maumee Valley Habitat for Humanity is the local affiliate of the Habitat for Humanity International organization, which is a non-profit Christian housing ministry that builds houses with and for low-income families in the community.
Ages for Volunteer: 14 for ReStore (with restrictions); 16 for construction (with restrictions)
Hours of Service: Monday through Saturday from 8am to 6pm
Days of Service: Monday through Saturday
Mission Statement:
Maumee Valley Habitat for Humanity works in partnership with God and people everywhere to develop simple, affordable housing for people in need and empower them to grow into all that God intended.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
Maumee Valley Habitat for Humanity does not give homes away for free Partner families truly work for their homes, with 300-500 “sweat equity” hours put in toward a home. They also make mortgage payments (0% interest) on their homes.
Program History:
Maumee Valley Habitat for Humanity is the local affiliate of the Habitat for Humanity International organization, which is a non-profit Christian housing ministry that builds houses with and for low-income families in the community.
Contact the volunteer manager for an update on current volunteer opportunites.
Additional Information:
The ministries and volunteer opportunities of Maumee Valley Habitat for Humanity include:
Homebuilding Ministry
Home Repair Ministry
Builds and rehabs simple, decent and affordable homes with partner families, who put in "sweat equity" hours and pay a non-interest bearing mortgage.Provides needed, non-cosmetic home repairs for low-income homeowners, who put in "sweat equity" hours and pay a reduced cost for the repairs.A retail store that sells donated new and used building and remodeling materials, furniture, appliances, etc. at significantly low prices, which helps to fund the affiliate’s work, located at 223 South Fearing Blvd., Toledo, Ohio.
In addition to supporting the ministries listed above you can provide support by:
- Donate land
- Donate new or gently used furniture and/or building supplies to the ReStore
- Volunteer on a committee
- Donate monetary gifts
- Provide a meal at a build site
- Pray for the staff, volunteers, partner families and mission
- Invite a Habitat representative to speak to your congregation, organization, school or workplace