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Meal on Wheels by Senior Outreach Services

Basic Information
Address: 1300 Civic Drive
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Phone Number: 925-937-8311 or 925-937-8607
Fax Number: 925-948-1869 or 925-937-8600
Email: staff@mowsos.org
Director: Sandy Warren, Exective Director
Additional Information
Causes Served: Hot meals to homebound seniors, care management for seniors, fall prevention for seniors, visitor program for seniors, home care services for seniors
Population Served: homebound seniors and seniors in need
Ages for Volunteer: 21+ for volunteer drivers
Hours of Service: 8am to 4pm
Minimum Hours Required: 2hrs per week
Days of Service: Monday through Friday
Mission Statement:
We maintain health and wellness safety nets for aging residents in our community. The services we provide are structured to assist seniors to live at home in safety, in comfort, and with dignity for as long as they can.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
Meals on Wheels by Senior Outreach Services is an entrepreneurial nonprofit organization with over a 40-year tradition of excellence and service in Contra Costa County. Our success and expertise qualify us to manage community-enhancing health and human service programs for seniors. We enrich the lives of more than 5,000 county residents each year.
Program History:
Meals on Wheels was established in Contra Costa County in 1968. CCCafe Program was established in 1975. Both Friendly Visitor and Home Care Management was created in 1978. Care Management was established in 1990 and our newest program, Fall Prevention was created in 2008.
Crab Dinner and Fundraiser- first Friday in February
Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon- typically 3rd Thursday in June
Fall Prevention Walkathon-typically 4th Saturday in September
Bay Area Dine Out for Meals on Wheels Fundraiser- 2nd Tuesday in November
Additional Information:
Meals on Wheels: delivers hot meals primarily to homebound persons over the age of 60 who are unable to cook or shop for themselves. Our clients benefit from daily health and wellness checks and ongoing client monitoring, including in-home visits by dedicated outreach workers. Over 650 meals are delivered each weekday, Monday through Friday, by volunteer drivers. Meals can also be provided for Saturday and Sunday if the clients choose. Yearly we deliver over 160,000 meals to our clients.
Contact: Sharon Fitzgerald, Program Manager at sfitzgerald@mowsos.org, 925-937-8607
CC Café: offers hot, nutritiously balanced lunches that provide 1/3 the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for adults 60+ years. Food is prepared with no salt added. Senior Outreach Services oversees the C.C. Café in six locations throughout Contra Costa County. CC Café provides companionship and social interaction as well as a hot meal.
Contact: Francisca Delgado, Program Manager at fdelgado@mowsos.org, 925-937-8311x138
Friendly Visitor: provides a community program that matches local seniors with friendly volunteers who want to make a real difference in someone’s life. Volunteers visit once a week, provide companionship and are an important link to the outside world for seniors that are isolated.
Contact: Susannah Meyer, Program Manager at smeyer@mowsos.org, 925-937-8311x130
Care Management:is a free service and provides an array of services geared to help older adults and their families meet long-term care needs. Services promote improved quality of life and community well being by maximizing the independence of older persons.
Contact: Maria Vandiever, Program Manager at mvandiever@yahoo.com, 925-671-3065
Home Care Registry: This registry was created for seniors who are seeking affordable in-home support services to improve their quality of life. The Registry identifies, screens, fingerprints and refers care providers for an affordable charge. Charges vary based on the amount of cleaning required for each job or the level of care needed by individual clients. These charges are negotiated between the client and the care provider.
Contact: Ana Cardenas, Program Manager at acardenas@mowsos.org, 925-937-8311x134
Fall Prevention: is a new program designed to assist with reducing preventable injuries, loss of independence, costs and deaths associated with falls among seniors and people with disabilities by raising awareness and developing fall prevention programs in Contra Costa County.
Contact: Gennifer Mountain, Program Manager, gmountain@mowsos.org, 925-937-8311x110