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Open World Family Services, Inc.

Basic Information
Address: 7050 Read Boulevard
New Orleans, LA 70127
Phone Number: (504) 274-9776
Fax Number: (504) 373-5802
Email: openworldsite@yahoo.com
Director: Kim R Cassell
Additional Information
Causes Served: Education, Family Wellness, Human Development, Youth Leadership, Policy Development, etc.
Clearances Required: Yes
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: Family
Ages for Volunteer: 13+
Hours of Service: 8-5
Minimum Hours Required: 5
Days of Service: Monday through Saturdays
Mission Statement:
Open World Family Services, Inc. mission is to strengthen the family through education and training. Our goal is empower each individual and family with which we work to reach their fullest potential and become self-sufficient.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach him how to fish he'll eat forever.
Program History:
Open World Family Services, Inc. has been in existence since the year 2000, when we first began working with families through our many community partners. One family at a time, we mentored and empowered each member to reach and achieve to the best of his or her ability. We began our own programs in 2005 with small learning center in the den of one of our benefactors.
After Hurricane Katrina took away all of our material resources, we began rebuilding in 2006, and hosted our fist summer enrichment program in 2007 in the home of this same benefactor, which was no longer a home, but an empty building. With the help of our community partners, we were able to serve more than 50 children that summer.
As we grow and excel, our strong partnerships with the State of Louisiana and organizations like the Children's Defense Fund, Open World is now able to serve more than 500 families each year. Almost 10 years later, we can now say that our goal to impact families, make them stronger is being fulfilled and the dream and hope to take these activities globally are becoming a reality.
Open World's purpose is to change lives through services and programs placed in the communities where we work. We help families and individuals reach their life, educational, and training goals. We also assist individuals and families learn, learn how to think outside of the box, and develop skills to reach their full potential.
Open World's programs and activities operate year-round. Our affordable, educational programs are primarily:
After-School and Summer enrichment activities,
Pre-Career Training services
G.E.D. Preparation program
Family Wellness activities
We host weekend team-building and family retreats during the summer months and in the Fall. We also offer summer programs that operate most of the summer with a focus on assisting working parents with day-long, structured, quality care and skill development for their children.