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The Pocono Equestrian Center
Basic Information
Address: 210 N Lincoln Avenue
Scranton, PA 18504
Phone Number: 570-348-9795
Fax Number: n/a
Email: bpeffer@poconoequestrian.org
Director: Beverly Peffer Executive Director
Additional Information
Causes Served: Children/Youth/Education/Rescue,rehabilitate, train, horses
Population Served: Therapeutic Riding,
Ages for Volunteer: 15+
Hours of Service: varies
Minimum Hours Required: none
Days of Service: Monday-Saturday
Mission Statement:
The Pocono Equestrian Center's mission is to educate children/youth the safe ways of working around horsess while protecting, rehabilitating, training, taking in horsess that are unwanted to prevent abuse.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
This organization specializes with the disabled community, Emotional, physically, terminally ill, underserved and emotionally disadvantaged and family bonding. We use the horses as tools to help healing and emotional comfort by the 4 legged therapists. The connection to a horse is a unique bond. Horses are nonjudgemental and understand the needs of the individual.
Program History:
The Pocono Equestrian Center is a non-profit 501(c) ( 3) all volunteer organization organizaed in Feb. 2003,
We have had over 1000 sessions with the children and youth and promoting Volunteering in many different ways.
I would be honored to have you as a part of The Pocono Equestrian Center’s family. I have personally experienced all the good that this organization can do. I have seen changes in children that families thought would never happen. Please, consider making either a one-time donation or an ongoing donation to “The Pocono Equestrian Center.”
Without these horses we are not able to offer these incredible programs. The organization focuses on children and youth that have intellectual and or physical disabilities. These disabilities include Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Cerebral Palsy (CP), Down syndrome (DS), Bi-Polar Disorder, Depression, and any/all conditions among the physical and intellectual realms.
The Pocono Equestrian Center was founded on February 9th, 2003; there have been over 1500 sessions that have been conducted. Each one has enhanced, developed, established, and educated all that are involved through the use of our four legged therapists. Our goal is to expand our services to be able to serve more children and families that can benefit from our organization.
I am requesting that you will take us into consideration in helping our organization with a donation. We are a registered 501 (c) (3); any donations are tax-deductable.
Additional Information:
We have several events happening now. Raising funds to get through the winter. Beginning 2 International Horse Rescues. Northeastern PA Iron Chef Competition. We are becoming an affilliate of ACTHA.us. Volunteering is the most fun you can have because you never know what you will be up to.
Training horses, working with the kids, special family days, putting up fencing, trying to get donations $10 a month per family is our current goal. Special events, pony parties, educational programming for schools, transitional programming for life skills programs, Outreach Programs,
Hippotherapy consists of a licensed therapist, speech, Occupational, or physical which can be payable by insurance. Looking to have rehabiliation facilities partnering with us to help others. Equine Facilitate Psychotherapy Program and so much more
Service Learning, Internships, Community Events
There is alot to do here and alot to accomplish. Our ULTIMATE GOAL is to obtain our own property and if not at this point. We need an indoor area/pole barn, run in sheds, feed, hay etc.