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Rape Assistance and Awareness Program

Basic Information
Address: P.O. Box 18951
Denver, CO 80218
Phone Number: 303-316-8285
Fax Number: 303-329-9964
Action Shots
* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.
Additional Information
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: Survivors and Family Members/Friends of Survivors of Sexual Assault
Ages for Volunteer: 18+
Minimum Hours Required: 6/month
Days of Service: 6 month minimum commitment
Mission Statement:
RAAP's mission is to work towards the elimination of sexual violence, and our primary goals are to assist victims and educate the public about sexual violence and its prevention.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
“We have dreamed of a world without violence. This dream is our vision and our beginning: it will sustain us as we work toward transforming vision into reality, which is our end.
Our contribution to this goal is to dedicate ourselves to the eradication of sexual violence. We categorically affirm that it is within our power to do so: sexual violence is not isolated and we are not isolated. We have committed ourselves to uniting our collective power and energies to achieve our common objective: sexual violence can and must be stopped.
We choose to no longer be silent and isolated. We choose instead, to rejoice in who we are, to summon forth and release our power universally, as breath held too long.”
Adapted from
Meredith Branscombe
Program History:
Founded in 1983, the Rape Assistance and Awareness Program (RAAP-pronounced "rap") is metro-Denver's only rape crisis center, and has served more than 423,000 individuals since its inception. In addition to providing a comprehensive range of quality victim services, RAAP is a leader in educating the public about preventing sexual violence.
Additional Information:
Be the start for a life changing step and healing in someone's life! The Rape Assistance and Awareness Program (RAAP) is looking for caring and dedicated volunteers. Our greatest need is for Hotline & Hospital Advocates, plus volunteers to assist with counseling, development, education, & general office related tasks. We provide professional and extensive training for hotline & hospital volunteer advocates. Our next Hotline Advocate training takes place from August 3rd – August 27th; the training sessions are held on Tuesdays & Thursdays 6pm-9pm and then the Saturdays of August 7th & 21st from 9am-5pm. Hotline trainings are also available in October this year. Hotline Advocates have calls forwarded to their cell or home phone via an on-call service. If you would like to volunteer in any capacity and have questions please contact Jen Fayollat, Volunteer and Program Services Coordinator, at jfayollat@raap.org or call at 303.329.9922 x322. Learn more about RAAP at www.raap.org.