Recycling for Food, Inc.

Recycling for Food, Inc. Logo

Basic Information

Address: PO Box 45 West Bend, WI 53095-0045
Phone Number: (262) 224-3268
Director: Michael Marks

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

Causes Served: recycling, environment, poverty, food, homeless, conservation
Clearances Required: No
Background Check: No
Population Served: All
Ages for Volunteer: All
Hours of Service: 2-4
Minimum Hours Required: 2
Days of Service: Any
Mission Statement:

Our dual purpose mission is to encourage businesses, organizations, schools, and individuals to recycle more, and to use the cash value redeemed from the recyclables to feed the homeless and people in need.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

We believe that most businesses can do a better job of recycling, and by creating more awareness of the good that can be done with these resources it can benefit many people.

Program History:

We are a new 501(c)(3) organization. We were incorporated in April 2010, and our 501(c)(3) status was granted in June 2010.


Our program is an ongoing event. We need people to spread the word about our mission, and to help gather recyclables.

Additional Information:

Contact us for more information on how to help.