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SIRE - Houston's Therapeutic Equestrian Centers

Basic Information
Address: 24161 Spring Dr.
Hockley, TX 77447
Phone Number: 281-356-7588
Fax Number: 281-356-9462
Email: sireoffice@sire-htec.org
Director: Jimm Williams - Executive Director
Additional Information
Causes Served: Therapeutic Horseback Riding
Clearances Required: No
Background Check: No
Population Served: Disabled individuals
Ages for Volunteer: 14 years of age and older
Hours of Service: Monday thru Saturday, 8:00 - 8:00
Minimum Hours Required: 2
Days of Service: Monday thru Saturday
Mission Statement:
The mission of SIRE is to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities through therapeutic horseback riding and related activities.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
SIRE Beliefs that guide our decision-making and operations:
•We believe that therapeutic horseback riding and related activities improve the quality of life of our clients, their families, our volunteers, and our staff.
•We believe the role the horse plays in therapeutic horseback riding and related activities is fundamental to success.
•We believe in the lasting benefits of therapeutic horseback riding and related activities. We believe that having fun increases the effectiveness of the therapeutic horseback riding and related activities.
Program History:
SIRE has provided equestrian therapy to children and adults with a wide variety of disabilities continuously since 1983. For several years, SIRE operated in donated barns and arenas until 1995 when a generous donation made a six-acre property available in Hockley, Texas. Five years later, in 2000, the merger between SIRE and Rainbow Springs Stables, located in Spring, TX, resulted in a consistent program being offered at both locations.
Top Hands, Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo - February 19-21, 2010
SIRE Shindig - May 1, 2010
SIRE Golf Tournament - June 4, 2010
SIRE RideAThon - October 9, 2010
Additional Information:
SIRE serves a wide variety of disabilities including, but not limited to Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Down Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Mental Retardation, Developmental Delay, Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury.
There are several components of the program in addition to horseback riding skills. They include hippotherapy, vaulting, and ground work.
Therapeutic horseback riding is the basic activity and provides training in traditional horsemanship skills such as English and Western styles of riding based on the unique therapy goals of each rider. Because SIRE offers such variety, we can adapt to the needs and goals of the individual. We can not only customize a therapy program, but also help the riders meet their personal recreational goals through competition in riding, vaulting and carriage driving. In therapeutic horseback riding, the rider learns to influence the movement of the horse.
For people who must use a wheelchair or other walking aids, this feeling of grace and accomplishment is especially meaningful. For those who view the world from a wheelchair, the benefit of being on a horse, taller than anyone else, and being in control of this large animal, is immeasurable in the benefit and feeling of accomplishment.