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Wings of Hope Equitherapy
Basic Information
Address: 4200 County Road 806
Cleburne, Texas 76031
Phone Number: 817-790-8810
Fax Number: 817-783-7072
Email: alliretg@aol.com
Director: Volunteer Coordinator - Allison Griggs
Additional Information
Causes Served: therapeutic horseback riding- disabilities
Clearances Required: Yes
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: adult/children with physical and/or mental disabilities
Ages for Volunteer: 14+
Hours of Service: donate 1.5 hours per week.
Minimum Hours Required: minimum 10+ for community service projects, or 1.5 hours per week
Days of Service: Mon-Thurs;Saturday
Mission Statement:
It is the mission of Wings of Hope Equitherapy to provide quality equine-assisted activities to children and adults with disabilities.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
Our Core Purpose is to provide hope and healing with gentle horses and the love of God
Program History:
Because people with disibilities are unable to experience neuromuscular stimulation, spatial orientation, and proper body placement as do able-bodied individuals, they are unable to develop normal patterns of movement, balance, speech, and coordination
Horseback riding provides the body of altered extremity and body placement along with rhythmical gaited motion that improves cardiovascular and respiratory function as well as increased circulation, and joint mobility.
annual horse shows.
special olympics
chisholm challenge-fort worth stock show and rodeo
in-house horse shows two times annually.
Additional Information:
We need you to
Without volunteers, nothing happens at Wings of Hope.
Volunteers keep the riders riding and our program running.
Q: What kinds of things could I do?
A: Walk beside a horse to help a rider in the arena during class (sidewalking). Lead the horse. Groom and tack. Do barn chores and groundskeeping. Help with fundraising.
Q: Do I have to know anything about horses?
A: No! We teach you!
Q: When do you need me?
A: Classes run weekdays & evenings, Monday - Thrusday, and Saturday. We've got needs to fit your schedule!
Q: How can I learn more?
A: Contact
volunteer coordinator
Allison Griggs