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Home | National Directories | Volunteer Program | American Red Cross - East Central Chapter of Ohio |
American Red Cross - East Central Chapter of Ohio

Basic Information
Address: American Red Cross of East Central Ohio (Serving Coshocton, Crawford, Guernsey, Knox, Licking, Marion, Morgan, Morrow, Muskingum, Noble, Perry and Richland Counties)
MAIN OFFICE ADDRESS: 143 S. 30th St., Newark, Ohio 43055 (Branch offices in most of the counties served)
Phone Number: 7404382630
Fax Number: 740/725-9182
Email: michael.vance@redcross.org
Director: Rod Cook
Additional Information
Causes Served: Your Red Cross is here to help you prevent, prepare for and respond to life-threatening emergencies by providing the following services: Blood Services - Disaster Services - Services to Armed Forces - International Services - Volunteer Services - Training Services - Home Fire Campaign - Preparedness Presentations
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: Local Residents of East Central Ohio Chapter counties in need of Red Cross services
Ages for Volunteer: 16 and Older
Hours of Service: Varies
Minimum Hours Required: 4-6 hours a month
Days of Service: Varies
Mission Statement:
The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
The American Red Cross, through its strong network of volunteers, donors and partners, is always there in times of need. We aspire to turn compassion into action so that...
...all people affected by disaster across the country and around the world receive care, shelter and hope;
...our communities are ready and prepared for disasters;
...everyone in our country has access to safe, lifesaving blood and blood products;
...all members of our armed services and their families find support and comfort whenever needed; and
...in an emergency, there are always trained individuals nearby, ready to use their Red Cross skills to save lives.
Program History:
Since our founding by Clara Barton on May 21, 1881, the American Red Cross has been dedicated to serving people in need. We received our first congressional charter in 1900 and to this day we are tasked by the federal government with providing services to members of the American armed forces and their families as well as providing disaster relief in the United States and around the world.
Even while the Red Cross adapts to meet the changing needs of the people we serve, we always stay true to those roots. Are you familiar with the classic images of Red Cross nurses helping American soldiers and civilian war victims during World War I? In fact, as you read this Red Cross staff and volunteers are still deploying alongside America’s military. Maybe you’ve taken a class through the Red Cross, such as first aid certification or how to swim. Did you know we’ve been offering similar training since the early 1900s? Have you ever given blood or received donated blood? The Red Cross developed the first nationwide civilian blood program in the 1940s and we still provide more than 40% of the blood products in this country.
Today, as throughout our long history, the Red Cross depends on generous contributions of time, blood, and money from the American public to support our lifesaving services and programs. We invite you to learn about our history and hope you will feel inspired to become more involved with the Red Cross.
We offer a variety of community events such as area blood drives, training classes, recruitment events, safety presentations, etc. In addition, during the COVID-19 recommended safety precautions, we are also offering many virtual training and presentation opportunities through on-line social media outlets. With help needed in a variety of virtual (volunteer from home) opportunities.
Additional Information:
Volunteers carry out 90% of the humanitarian work of the Red Cross. Our work is possible because of people like you. Discover the role that's right for you and join us today!