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Business Professionals of America

Basic Information
Address: 5454 Cleveland Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43231
Phone Number: (614) 895-7277
Fax Number: (614) 895-1165
Email: ddevers@bpa.org
Director: Dustin Devers
Additional Information
Causes Served: Students of Business, Marketing, & Information Technology
Population Served: Middle School, High School, and Post-secondary Students
Mission Statement:
The mission of Business Professionals of America is to contribute to the preparation of global professionals through the advancement of leadership, citizenship, academic, and technological skills.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
The Workplace Skills Assessment Program is an integral part of Business Professionals of America. The goal of the program is to provide all business students with the opportunity to demonstrate workplace skills learned through business education curricula.
2017 National Leadership Conference, Orlando, Florida - May 10-14, 2017
Additional Information:
Business Professionals of America (BPA) is a student organization whose purpose is to support middle level, high school, and college students interested in business careers. Each year, students compete at regional and state levels to demonstrate their skills in over sixty different business areas. The winners of the state contests are invited to the National Leadership Conference, where a number of the contest events are judged by local business leaders to impart a "real world" experience to the students.
Over 300 experienced professionals are needed to judge in the following business areas:
- Finance
- Business Administration
- Management Information Systems
- Digital Communication & Design
- Management, Marketing and Communication
Judging at NLC is an exciting, rewarding opportunity to mentor truly outstanding young people and to offer students a realistic expectation of the business world.
From May 10-14, we invite members of Business Professionals of America to Spread Your Wings at the 2017 Business Professionals of America 2017 National Leadership Conference. Join thousands of students from across the country who will gather to compete, showcase their business skills and develop their leadership acumen in Orlando, FL. The National Leadership Conference is the culmination of the BPA year filled with hard work and dedication put into competitions, Torch Awards, leadership development, service and more!
The 2017 National Leadership Conference will offer four exciting days of competitions, leadership development, workshops, National Officer elections, fun tours and much more. Whether it's by participating in competitions, running for national office, attending the National Leadership Academy, being an NLC Intern, receiving an award or participating in elections, there are numerous ways to qualify for the 2017 National Leadership Conference and experience Orlando.