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BVU: The Center for Nonprofit Excellence

Basic Information
Address: 1300 East 9th Street, Suite 1805
Cleveland, Ohio 44114
Phone Number: 216-736-7711
Fax Number: 216-736-7710
Email: bvu@bvuvolunteers.org
Director: Brian Broadbent, President & CEO
Action Shots
* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.
Additional Information
Population Served: Cleveland and Akron
Mission Statement:
BVU: The Center for Nonprofit Excellence's mission is to Promote business volunteerism and foster excellence in nonprofit organizations.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
BVU is a national model organization that strengthens nonprofits by involving thousands of volunteers from the community; engaging hundreds of business executives and professionals on nonprofit boards of directors; and providing leading-edge board and management consulting and training services for nonprofits.
Strategic and financial pressures are driving nonprofit organizations to strengthen governance and management. In order for a nonprofit to succeed, the organization's leadership needs to develop a competitive vision, guide the organization through change, maximize potential funding and focus limited resources in achieving the greatest benefit for the community.
Businesses and employers are pursuing greater involvement in addressing critical community issues. They recognize that strategic involvement represents unique opportunities to improve the community, while enhancing the company's position in the market and developing and instilling vision, teamwork and leadership skills among personnel.
BVU engages businesses, employers and members of the community-at-large in productive and rewarding leadership and volunteer activities. By leveraging their involvement, BVU strengthens the leadership and expands the capacity of hundreds of nonprofits, while enabling businesses and employers to build strategic, powerful and enduring relationships with the community. Additionally, BVU provides leading-edge board and management consulting services to strengthen nonprofit organizations.
BVU focuses its resources, programs and services on the highest impact services designed to strengthen nonprofits to best serve the community's interests.
Program History:
Business leaders, in collaboration with The Cleveland Foundation, The George Gund Foundation and United Way of Greater Cleveland, established BVU in 1993. CNE was founded in Akron in 2001 by a coalition of community leaders from the public and private sectors, including an operating endowment funded by the GAR Foundation and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. In September 2011, BVU and CNE merged, with a combined 29 years of strengthening nonprofits.