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The Campus Kitchen at Saint Louis University

Basic Information
Address: Reinert Hall
303 S. Grand Ave
St. Louis MO 63103
Phone Number: 314-977-3881
Email: jbird@campuskitchens.org
Additional Information
Causes Served: hunger, food waste, seniors
Population Served: adults, seniors, low income
Ages for Volunteer: 18+
Mission Statement:
The mission of The Campus Kitchens Project is to use service as a tool to:
Strengthen Bodies by using existing resources to meet hunger and nutritional needs in our community;
Empower Minds by providing leadership and service learning opportunities to students, and educational benefits to adults, seniors, children and families in need; and
Build Communities by fostering a new generation of community-minded adults through resourceful and mutually beneficial partnerships among students, social service agencies, businesses and schools.
Program History:
Founded in 2001, The Campus Kitchens Project is a national organization that empowers student volunteers to fight hunger in their community. On 36 university and high school campuses across the country, students transform unused food from dining halls, grocery stores, restaurants, and farmers’ markets into meals that are delivered to local agencies serving those in need. By taking the initiative to run a community kitchen, students develop entrepreneurial and leadership skills, along with a commitment to serve their community, that they will carry with them into future careers. Each Campus Kitchen goes beyond meals by using food as a tool to promote poverty solutions, implement garden initiatives, participate in nutrition education, and convene food policy events. To learn more about our work or bring The Campus Kitchens Project to your school, visit www.campuskitchens.org.
Tags: Non Profit Organization