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Cape Perpetua Scenic Area
Basic Information
Address: Cape Perpetua Scenic Area
Siuslaw National Forest
2400 S. Highway 101
PO Box 274
Yachats, OR 97498
Phone Number: 541-547-3289
Email: bbhoeh@fs.fed.us
Director: Brian Hoeh
Additional Information
Causes Served: Restoration, Conservation, Environmental Education, Service Learning
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: General Public, Local and Distant communities
Ages for Volunteer: 16 +
Hours of Service: N/A
Minimum Hours Required: N/A
Days of Service: N/A
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Forest Service is to sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the nation’s forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
Gifford Pinchot, first Chief of the Forest Service, summed up the philosophy of the Forest Service: "to provide the greatest amount of good for the greatest amount of people in the long run."
The Forest Service philosophy is captured by the phrase "Caring for the Land and Serving People."
For Forest Service employees this means participating in the following activities:
Advocating a conservation ethic in promoting the health, productivity, diversity, and beauty of forests and associated lands.
Listening to people and responding to their diverse needs in making decisions.
Protecting and managing the national forests and grasslands so that they best demonstrate the sustainable multiple-use management concept.
Helping States and communities to use the forests wisely in order to promote rural economic development and a quality rural environment.
Developing and providing scientific and technical knowledge aimed at improving our capability to protect, manage, and use forests and rangelands.
Program History:
Cape Perpetua has been the center of interpretation and visitor services for the Siuslaw National Forest since the Visitor Center was constructed in 1967. The primary resources and themes of this program include temperate rainforest ecology, old growth conservation, endangered species, intertidal habitat, cultural and archaeological resources, forestry practices, and ethno-botany. In recent years, programs have focused on the current missions of the Siuslaw National Forest; Restoration, Recreation, and Partnerships.
We are currently expanding our education programs to serve local, distant, and underserved populations of young people in significant ways. We perform classroom visits, host field trips, and service learning projects which involve youth directly in Forest restoration work.
Cape Perpetua hosts year-round events including our Winter Speaker Series, guided "Eco-treks" in the summer, and events such as our 50th Anniversary of Wilderness Celebration this year.