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Warning: Table './k12acade_k12academics/cache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache WHERE cid = 'theme_registry:ktwelve_resp' in /home/k12acade/public_html/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './k12acade_k12academics/cache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: SELECT data, created, headers, expire, serialized FROM cache WHERE cid = 'imagecache:presets' in /home/k12acade/public_html/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './k12acade_k12academics/cache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: UPDATE cache SET data = 'a:4:{i:2;a:4:{s:8:\"presetid\";s:1:\"2\";s:10:\"presetname\";s:17:\"banner_imagecache\";s:7:\"actions\";a:1:{i:0;a:6:{s:8:\"actionid\";s:1:\"2\";s:8:\"presetid\";s:1:\"2\";s:6:\"weight\";s:1:\"0\";s:6:\"module\";s:10:\"imagecache\";s:6:\"action\";s:17:\"imagecache_resize\";s:4:\"data\";a:2:{s:5:\"width\";s:3:\"770\";s:6:\"height\";s:3:\"100\";}}}s:7:\"storage\";i:0;}i:3;a:4:{s:8:\"presetid\";s:1:\"3\";s:10:\"presetname\";s:17:\"banner_left_image\";s:7:\"actions\";a:1:{i:0;a:6:{s:8:\"actionid\";s:1:\"3\";s:8:\"presetid\";s:1:\"3\";s:6:\"weight\";s:1:\"0\";s:6:\"mod in /home/k12acade/public_html/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './k12acade_k12academics/cache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: DELETE FROM cache WHERE cid = 'variables' in /home/k12acade/public_html/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './k12acade_k12academics/cache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: DELETE FROM cache WHERE cid = 'variables' in /home/k12acade/public_html/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135

Warning: Table './k12acade_k12academics/cache' is marked as crashed and should be repaired query: UPDATE cache SET data = 'a:481:{s:12:\"webform_view\";a:7:{s:9:\"arguments\";a:5:{s:4:\"node\";N;s:6:\"teaser\";N;s:4:\"page\";N;s:4:\"form\";N;s:7:\"enabled\";N;}s:4:\"type\";s:6:\"module\";s:10:\"theme path\";s:25:\"sites/all/modules/webform\";s:8:\"function\";s:18:\"theme_webform_view\";s:13:\"include files\";a:0:{}s:11:\"theme paths\";a:1:{i:0;s:25:\"sites/all/modules/webform\";}s:20:\"preprocess functions\";a:1:{i:0;s:19:\"template_preprocess\";}}s:21:\"webform_view_messages\";a:7:{s:9:\"arguments\";a:9:{s:4:\"node\";N;s:6:\"teaser\";N;s:4:\"page\";N;s:16:\"submission_count\";N;s:19:\"user_limit_exceeded\";N;s:20:\"total_limit_exceeded\";N;s:13:\& in /home/k12acade/public_html/includes/database.mysql.inc on line 135
Community Advocates for Family & Youth (CAFY) | K12 Academics

Community Advocates for Family & Youth (CAFY)

Community Advocates for Family & Youth (CAFY) Logo

Basic Information

Address: P.O. Box 4419 Marlow Heights, Maryland
Phone Number: 3015418927
Director: Arleen B. Joell

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

Causes Served: CAFY serves all those affected by crime or trauma in Prince George's County, MD. We also have mental health services and pro bono legal assistance that is open to everyone.
Background Check: Yes
Ages for Volunteer: 18+
Mission Statement:

Our Mission is to educate, empower and embrace those affected by crime or trauma on their journey to healing and justice.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Our Vision is twofold: first, help victims become confident and empowered survivors who hold offenders accountable; second, to help create a sense of community awareness through continuous

Our Core Values are to take action, make an impact, meet immediate needs, speak the truth, give a voice to victims and offer victims support and validation.

Additional Information:

Volunteer on CAFY's 24-hour helpline and provide emotional support to those who feel depressed, overwhelmed, in crisis, need help identifying services or just someone to talk to. CAFY's helpline responds to people of all ages and all backgrounds, including teenagers and the elderly, people who are victims of violence or sexual abuse, domestic violence, and people just like you and me who suddenly find themselves facing some overwhelming obstacle or personal tragedy and need help and information to get through their situation.

CAFY's Helpline volunteers develop personal and professional skills that have helped them land jobs in the public and private sector (mental health, public health, education, etc.) as well as get into some of the most respected fields such as social work, psychology, counseling and other related graduate programs.

We will be holding a Helpline Volunteer Training Class soon! Send an email to kbrown@cafyonline.org Subject: Helpline Volunteer


We need administrative skills. If you are interested in using your office skills to give back to your community and have 5 hours per week, we need you. Join our team and use your interests and skills in an enjoyable, flexible environment to support and serve victims of crime. Help Community Advocates for Family & Youth continue to be the "ConstantLink", informational and educational nucleus for victims of crime in Prince George's County.

Please contact: Katie Brown 301-541-8927 or email her at kbrown@cafyonline.org

This is a great opportunity for retirees or homemakers. Opportunity is flexible.