Basic Information

Address: 1727 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Suite 109 Oakland, CA 94612
Phone Number: 800-829-3777
Fax Number: 510-892-2074

Action Shots

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Additional Information

Causes Served: Families, Children, Foster Families
Population Served: Alameda County, Parent, Foster Parents, Relative Caregivers, Families under stress and experiencing mental health issues, victims of violence.
Ages for Volunteer: 18+
Hours of Service: 9 to 9
Minimum Hours Required: 1 4-hour shift per week for a full year.
Days of Service: Monday through Friday
Mission Statement:

Family Paths strengthens family relationships by providing mental health and supportive services
with respect, integrity, compassion, and hope.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

As an agency serving the wider community, it is essential that Family Paths aligns itself with social justice issues which affect our clients and families.
Providing a caring and supportive work environment helps us support and care for clients.
A relationship must have trust.
Taking care of the parent and having the parent take care of him/herself makes a safe life for the child.
There are larger forces at work that contribute to a person’s sense of safety and security.
Successful treatment meets the clients “where they are.”
Socio-cultural context affects each individual’s experience.
Striving towards social justice and change supports our clients.
Fostering healthy families enhances social justice.
Hope is a driver for our work. Hope moves clients to seek our assistance.