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Felician Volunteers in Mission | K12 Academics

Felician Volunteers in Mission

Felician Volunteers in Mission Logo

Basic Information

Address: 871 Mercer Rd. Beaver Falls, PA 15010
Phone Number: 724-650-7936
Director: Caroline Stanfill

Action Shots

Felician Volunteers in Mission
Felician Volunteers in Mission
Felician Volunteers in Mission

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Causes Served: children, adults, elderly, disabilities, high school, at risk, community center, nursing home, Administrative Support, poverty
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: Various from children to adults, at risk, poverty, low income, elderly, disabilities
Ages for Volunteer: 18+
Hours of Service: Varies
Minimum Hours Required: 30 hours/ week
Days of Service: Sunday through Saturday
Mission Statement:

Our Mission
Felician Volunteers in Mission is a venture of laity with Felician Sisters to cooperate with Christ in the spiritual renewal of the world. We do this in solidarity with our brothers and sisters who are poor or marginalized both in the United States and internationally. Volunteers live Gospel values in community in both long-term and short-term missions. We witness Felician spirituality as we serve others without discrimination and challenge unjust structures.

Philosophy/Belief Statement:

Felician Volunteers in Mission are committed to being a transformational presence to those in need. Volunteers pray, minister, and live simply in right relationship with one another and creation. They share their talents and resources with compassion, mercy, and joy in the spirit of Saint Francis of Assisi and Blessed Mary Angela, Foundress of the Felician Sisters.

Program History:

Recently began accepting volunteers to sites in Haiti, Canada, and the US


Long term and short term volunteer experiences in the US, Canada, and Haiti

Additional Information:

Types of Experiences
Felician Volunteers in Mission offers:

  • Short-term volunteer immersion experiences (7-10 days) both in the U.S. and abroad
  • Long-term (1+ years) volunteer experiences both in the U.S. and abroad

In order to be eligible to participate in the Felician Volunteers in Mission, you must:

  • Be an adult over 18 years old
  • Be adaptable to new situations
  • Desire to live simply
  • Be willing to participate meaningfully in a Catholic environment
  • Have good mental and physical health
  • Have an adventurous spirit
  • Desire to serve in a mission as a member of a community
  • Have an openness to varied forms of prayer
  • Complete the application, reference forms, health forms, and interview process

For more information about how you can partner with us through the Felician Volunteers in Mission program, please contact Caroline Stanfill at cstanfill@feliciansisters.org or 724-650-7936.