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Grace Centers of Hope

Basic Information
Address: 35 E Huron, Pontiac MI 48342
Phone Number: 1-248-334-2187
Fax Number: 248-334-7939
Director: Melissa Rodriquez
Action Shots
* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.
Additional Information
Causes Served: Homeless
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: Homeless
Ages for Volunteer: 10 up
Hours of Service: Varies
Minimum Hours Required: 1.5
Days of Service: 7 days a week
Mission Statement:
Grace Centers of Hope is a non-profit Christian organization committed to positively changing the lives of the homeless, addicted and unwanted through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, personal accountability, life skills education and work-related programs. The foundation of change is the local church which encourages residents to become strong in faith and independence while it lovingly promotes a sense of belonging within a community that truly can be called “home”.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
We envision Grace Centers of Hope as a committed community of believers, reaching out to those individuals whose lives have been damaged by addictions and self-destructive behavior. Our recovery programs will lead these individuals to reconciliation and restoration to God, their families, their community and to themselves. Grace Centers of Hope will teach, train and disciple our residents. Through love and accountability, Grace Centers of Hope will help residents to refocus their lives as productive members of society. By introducing our residents to the eternal claims of the Gospel, we envision change from the inside out. Through a self-contained community including residential dorms, single family homes and well-run Grace Centers of Hope-owned business, all centered on Grace Gospel Fellowship Church, we hope to provide hope, jobs and stability for many years to come for each of our residents.
Program History:
Grace Centers of Hope was established in 1942. It has since grown and evolved into the largest and oldest faith-based outreach to homeless and disadvantaged individuals and families. Grace Centers of Hope(GCH) provides a full recovery and rehabilitation campus for homeless men,women and children who have been abused or addicted to drugs and/or alcohol.
Change begins when we, as a community, extend helping hands. We do not believe homelessness and substance abuse addictions can be solved simply by throwing dollars at the problem. We believe that change occurs from the inside out. Consequently our faith-based organization is dedicated to recovery through the Gospel of Jesus Christ and supported through our challenging life skills programs.
KITCHEN : assist kitchen staff in preparing and serving lunch or dinner for the residents. No more than 10 people to a group.
LITTLE GRACE VILLAGE: get your hands dirty, build a deck, paint a wall or do some landscaping in our transitional housing community.
THRIFT STORES: come out to one of our 4 store locations to sort, hang and organize the donated items.
OFFICE SUPPORT: lend a hand to our front offices by sorting files, entering information into our database and a variety of other clerical projects.
MENTOR PROGRAM: become an active part of a residents’ life by giving guidance, advice and encouragement as a mentor.
EDUCATION AND CAREER CENTER: tutor residents to help them prepare for the GED exam or assist our aftercare clients who are enrolled in college classes.
TEACH A CLASS: share your expertise with our residents on budgeting, nutrition, stress management, effective communication or any topic that could help develop skills for daily life
CHILDRENS PROGRAM: serve in a classroom at our Hands of Hope Childcare Center, babysit for children of residents, or help out with homework.
DONATION DRIVE: raise funds or collect items such as toilet paper, coats and school supplies to help meet the needs at GCH.
ADOPT A HOUSE: decorate for Christmas, do yard work & landscaping or tackle renovations from start to finish on a home in Little Grace Village to help rebuild the community.