HealthStart Foundation

Basic Information

Address: 3710 Cedar St. Austin, TX 78705
Phone Number: 512-782-4355
Director: Robin Herskowitz

Action Shots

HealthStart Foundation
HealthStart Foundation
HealthStart Foundation

* Click each thumbnail for a larger version.

Additional Information

Causes Served: youth education, health education
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: Children primarily ages 3-10.
Ages for Volunteer: 16 and up
Minimum Hours Required: n/a
Days of Service: n/a
Mission Statement:

To provide the blueprints for building healthier communities through children's science-based health education.

Program History:

HealthStart began with the idea that the key to healthier communities is starting the health education process with children as young as possible. HealthStart received approval of its 501c3 application in June 2010. In September 2010 we launched the HEY! curriculum which introduces health and wellness concepts to 3, 4, and 5 year olds. The purpose of the curriculum is to ensure that children have the information that they need to begin making good choices about their health at an early age.

Building healthier futures through early, science-based health education. HealthStart teaches kids the science behind good health through a curriculum, an elementary nutrition education program, community health education workshops and a mobile game app.


Austin Gives Miles, Children's Health Education Workshops, fundraising events