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Hunkapi Programs
Basic Information
Address: 12051 N 96th Street,
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Phone Number: 480-393-0870
Email: lottie@hunkapi.org
Director: Terra Schaad
Action Shots
* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.
Additional Information
Causes Served: Therapy
Background Check: Yes
Ages for Volunteer: over 18
Hours of Service: none
Mission Statement:
The heritage of HUNKAPI is grounded in the idea of interrelatedness and the responsibility that emanates from it. The name HUNKAPI [hun-kah-pee] is from the Lakota Native American tribe and means “we are all related.” Using the name HUNKAPI for our organization was inspired by a story that GaWaNi Pony Boy related in his book Horse Follow Closely where he describes the deep bond formed between Native Americans and their ponies. In the story, a bear enters an Indian’s camp, which causes the horse to whinny. The horse’s whinny wakes up the Indian and the Indian proceeds to frighten off the bear. Their bond enabled the horse to save the Indian and the Indian in turn to save the horse. In choosing this powerful word HUNKAPI as our name, all involved are reminded of our need for and reliance on one another and the responsibility of forwarding that feeling.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
To Teach the World to Fear Less and Love More.
We do this by regularly creating fresh experiences for our clients/participants that zing connection from head to toe. The kind of zing that makes you realize you are alive and that life can be joyful. While you’re experiencing, the staff notice how deep are your sighs, how relaxed your jaw, whether there is the hint of a smile, a giggle of fear or one of happiness, whether your eyes are dilated with concern or smiling with joy. We believe that facilitated, non-judgmental self-exploration of these physical reactions is the way to an open heart. We know that when you exhale a little more deeply, and your body moves a little closer to what you were afraid of, we’ve facilitated the unraveling of one stress or trauma that has kept you from living right here, right now with openness.
Sometimes the easiest solutions to any life challenges aren’t found through words. Our therapeutic philosophy is to help you move forward by interacting with our “herd,” which consists of three simple elements: a horse, a licensed therapist, and you.
Our horses use their primal instincts to give you profound feedback on your thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Meanwhile, our therapists are by your side to help you interpret and strategize, allowing you to mindfully move towards the life you want. All you have to do is show up, boots on, willing to play in the muck for awhile and ready for greener pastures.
Additional Information:
Equine Assisted Therapy
Leave each session with a new sense of freedom and mindfulness
Sometimes the easiest solutions to life challenges aren't found through words. Our therapeutic philosophy is to help you move forward through your interactions with our herd. There are three elements to this approach, a horse, a licensed therapist and you.
Our horses use their primal instincts to give you profound feedback on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, while a therapist is by your side to help you interpret and strategize. With the therapist's facilitation, you have the freedom to fully experience in your body how you relate to the horse and to learn from and delve into that experience and move towards the life you want and deserve. All you have to do is show up, boots on, willing to play in the muck, and ready for greener pastures.
Specialized Equine Assisted therapy programs help you work on your therapeutic goals. Focus is placed on:
- Building healthy relationships and connecting with others
- Regulating thoughts, emotions and behaviors
- Identifying strengths
- Learning how to say what you mean and mean what you say
By changing your actions in the arena today, you can improve your reactions, relationships, and life tomorrow. Jump out of your head and into your heart with the support of the Hunkapi herd today.