Jubilee Assocation of Maryland, Inc.

Basic Information

Address: 10408 Montgomery Avenue Kensington, MD 20895
Phone Number: 301-949-8628 x 177
Fax Number: 301-949-4628
Director: Tim Wiens

Action Shots

* There are currently no photos associated with this listing.

Additional Information

Clearances Required: No
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: Individuals with Disabilities
Ages for Volunteer: 17+
Hours of Service: after school-evening
Days of Service: weekdays
Mission Statement:

Jubilee Association of Maryland provides opportunities & support for adults with intellectual & other developmental disabilities to live in & enrich their community while fulfilling their personal, family, social, & spiritual needs.

The Association bases its work on a belief in the dignity and worth of all people, as well as their right to pursue happiness as full, respected members of our society.


Jubilee Association of Maryland, Inc. is looking for a varsity high school team to participate in an ongoing game involving the kicking around of the soccer ball one of the gentlemen we serve.