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Matthew 25: Ministries

Basic Information
Address: 11060 Kenwood Road Cincinnati, OH 45242
Phone Number: 5137936256
Fax Number: 5137936258
Email: joodi@m25m.org
Director: Tim Mettey
Additional Information
Causes Served: humanitarian aid, disaster relief
Population Served: teh poorest of the poor and disaster victims
Ages for Volunteer: 6 - 15 with adult, 16+ without supervision
Hours of Service: 9 - 4 M - F, 9 - 3 Sat
Minimum Hours Required: 1
Days of Service: Monday - Saturday
Mission Statement:
Matthew 25 provides nutritional food to the hungry, clean water to the thirsty, clothing to the naked, affordable shelter to the homeless, medical care to the ill and humanitarian supplies to those in need. Additionally, Matthew 25: Ministries is committed to educating the public on the conditions and needs of the “least of these” and by providing resources for action.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
Matthew 25 rescues and reuses excess products from corporations and manufacturers and uses these product donations as building blocks to encourage individuals to help themselves and to develop healthier, more self-sufficient, sustainable communities.
Program History:
Matthew 25: Ministries began as the result of a trip Founder and President Reverend Wendell Mettey made with a group of doctors and nurses to Nicaragua in 1990. Pastor Mettey’s years as an inner city social worker and pastor had done little to prepare him for what he experienced in Nicaragua during his visit. The poverty and devastation was endless. Upon leaving, Pastor Mettey made a promise to himself that he would find a way to help the people of Nicaragua. His experience in material handling enabled him to develop an efficient system to rescue and reuse food, clothing, personal care, cleaning, medical and educational supplies which were deemed no longer useful by US standards and transport them to those in desperate need.
Over the years, Matthew 25’s distribution activities have grown to include partners in Greater Cincinnti, as well as partners throughout the United States and around the world. Since 1991, Matthew 25: Ministries has grown from a small group of dedicated individuals carrying supplies in suitcases to an international humanitarian aid and disaster relief organization distributing over 14,000,000 pounds of products and helps more than 15,000,000 people each year locally, nationally and internationally.
Brandicorp/Arington Foundation Golf Classic Benefiting Matthew 25: Ministries (July)
Fighting Hunger 5K Benefiting Matthew 25: Ministries (Nov)
Tickets the Radio Play (Dec)
Tags: volunteer, sort, service, relief, package, international, humanitarian, disaster, aid