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- Summer Learning Loss
Young Disciples Catholic Summer Mission
Basic Information
Address: 5201 Bishops Blvd, St A, Fargo, ND 58104
Phone Number: 701-356-7908
Director: Ashley Grunhovd
Additional Information
Causes Served: rural, reservations, evangelization, catechesis, summer missionary work
Background Check: Yes
Population Served: rural communities and reservations
Ages for Volunteer: 18+
Hours of Service: May 14 through July 18, 2020
Minimum Hours Required: May 14 through July 18, 2020
Days of Service: May 14 through July 18, 2020
Mission Statement:
For 10 weeks in the summer, the Young Disciples Teams conduct week-long day camps for grades K–6 and evening teen missions for rural parishes and reservations. Parishes may also ask teams to conduct family activities and participate in other community events. The Sacrament of Reconciliation and daily Mass are a part of every camp. The teams also proclaim the Gospel through small groups, prayer, music, drama, games, and crafts. Participants are given the opportunity to say "yes" to Jesus in their daily lives. The theme for Summer 2020 is Medieval Road to Rome. Join Friar John as he travels to Rome in search for the precious artifacts from the life of Jesus! Students will go on pilgrimage throughout the week to learn about the stories of Jesus’ life from the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary and the message of Divine Mercy.
Philosophy/Belief Statement:
Catholic - The Young Disciples is an apostolate of Catholic young adults who travel from town to town to evangelize and catechize in rural communities and reservations through summer vacation Bible schools and teen retreats. The Young Disciples Teams seek to challenge youth to love Jesus Christ and to embrace the life of his Church.
Program History:
Founded in 2000. We have served 10,000+ in rural communities and reservations in primarily North Dakota and Minnesota.
Day camps for elementary students, teen missions, family events, and other evangelization outreach. We spend roughly 7 days in each community and then pack up our vans and travel to the next site.